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TrueTone Rec.709 for iPhone

TrueTone Rec.709 for iPhone

Regular price €12,00 EUR
Regular price €24,00 EUR Sale price €12,00 EUR
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TrueTone709 LUT: Perfecting Performance with Precision.

Engineered for Apple’s native Log profile, our Hybrid LUT combines the technical prowess of Apple Log to Rec.709 conversion with an enhancement in color density and saturation.

Experience a richer, more vibrant output while maintaining the trusted characteristics of Rec.709.

TrueTone709 LUT doesn’t alter the creative vision or impart any creative look—it amplifies it, ensuring what you capture is not just seen, but felt.

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Best settings to use when shooting in Apple Log

IPhone Camera Settings:

  • Apple ProRes: Selected
  • ProRes Encoding: Log
  • We reccomend turning HDR mode off

Blackmagic Camera App:

  • Codec: ProRes 422 or Higher
  • Resolution: 4K
  • Color Space: Apple Log – HDR

Instant Access to Your Apple Log/Rec.709 conversion

Immediately after purchase, you can directly download the LUT files, ready to use in any software supporting the .cube format.

This pack consists of

TrueTone Rec.709.cube

TrueTone Rec.709 | -1 STOP.cube

TrueTone Rec.709 | +1 STOP.cube

TrueTone Rec.709 | -2 STOP.cube

TrueTone Rec.709 | +2 STOP.cube

PDF User Guide

Finally, what you see is really what you get.

Ideal for those who desire a technical conversion and color enhancement quickly and effectively without having to undergo a complex grading process. Simply apply the LUT and enjoy natural colors and ready-to-use results for your video projects.


It is important to note that this is not a one-click solution; merely applying it is not enough. It is necessary to make adjustments to adapt it to the specific type of video material.

It's important to emphasize that, to achieve the best possible results, it's essential to carefully follow the provided instructions and manage the use of the LUT appropriately.

The optimal performance of this LUT depends not only on its intrinsic quality but also on the user's ability to employ it correctly within the video production process.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Alejandro García
So much better than the Apple LUT!

I hated the results that the official Apple LUT was giving me, so much better with this conversion LUT! Great work guys!